Our small birthday bouquet is a great grab-and-go convenience, so you won't have to wait in line. It allows you to choose from our various birthday mylar foil balloons and choose from a myriad of latex color combinations, or you can customize your own.
To customize your own, just select the "Custom" color scheme and check out our balloon colors in the carousel of photos above, then tell us your combination colors in your order notes.
For more intricate or specific arrangements, please check out our mylar combination bundles or call us for assistance.
You can pick up your order in-store Monday through Saturday between 10 AM and 6:30 PM (we are closed on Sundays)
PLEASE specify your desired pickup date and mylar style in the order notes.
Please note that if you specify that you want your order ready in less than two hours from the time your order is placed, it may not be ready in the time frame you desire. We will try, but there are no guarantees.
This item is for four latex balloons, and one 18" foil mylar.
Delivery is not available for Helium Balloons at this time.